Sunday, July 19, 2009

War of the Ring continued.

Here are some pics from the Forces of Good I have set up in the small battle scene referenced in my previous post. There are also some more pictures in the slideshow on the right (There are some orc v. IG with the new bastion pictures included also - they are in the same folder I will create a new folder and post them separately eventually)

Here you see the Rider of Rohan meeting warg riders on the left flank of the battle line. I have another 12 riders in the works and hope to get Theoden in the near future to shore a nice little Rohan force.

My goal is to have 4-6 core armies of 500- 750 points to play with the guys in my gaming group, that way we can have larger team battles or smaller scale skirmishes when we want to take a break from 40k to try something different.

War of the Ring

I have been working on a few projects over the last few months. Below are some pictures of the most completed War of the Ring figures, I have been working on - they are not finished by any means but enough to give you a view of the possibilities.

First up: The Forces of Sauron

Above are few pictures of Uruk-Hai pikemen and an Isengard Troll and and a Mordor Troll charging into the fray against a combined force of men, both rohan and Gondor, and Elves.

As you can see there are is one formation of three companies of pike, a formation of Uruk Hai warband with two companies, a formation of warg riders and a formation of moria orcs with two trolls. I don't have my epic heroes ready for the forces of evil, but will have Sauraman completed soon and I am going to get Lurtz, as well as the witchking.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Planetstrike thoughts

I played my first game of Planetstrike Saturday. It was a team matchup - two to a side with 1850 per player. I played 'Nids and my teammate played nurgle chaos marines, we matched up against Dark Angels and Eldar. I hope to get pictures posted in the future.

From the outset I really liked the concept of the game mechanics, nothing better than having an attacker and defender with different force organization charts, however I think it is important not to go into playing Planetstrike that this is a finely tuned and balanced set of rules - it is not. That does not mean that it isn't fun, because it is. You just need to think of Planetstrike as a formalized means to play some really cool narrative games. Also I believe that the supplement can benefit from your own house rules depending on how your gaming group plays

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have been away for a while.. why is it so hard to download pictures? I have taken a bunch of pictures that I need to post on various subjects. some of the projects I want to talk about that are non-UM related include my Tau force.. I am in the process of repainting them and putting them on urban type bases. I also have an Ork force lurking which I want to get done. My Tyranid force is about 80% completed so I need to finish that. Of course there are my numerous UM projects I need to finish... I just rec'd my Prometheus conversion kit for my UM command landraider as welll as finishing up my Vanguard vets...the list is pretty long as to what I need to finish... This is not to mention not one but two LOTR forces I am trying to get done for the soon to be released War of the Ring. I haven't tried WFB, just could never pull the trigger but LOTR seems to be a good compromise withthe WoR ruleset. I have a mordor and a gondor force in the works. I am also working on a LOTR style board to play. Oh yeah I just rec'd my stompa and my stormlord in the mail.... I should have it all done by 2010... If I am lucky... I will post my progress