Sunday, July 19, 2009

War of the Ring

I have been working on a few projects over the last few months. Below are some pictures of the most completed War of the Ring figures, I have been working on - they are not finished by any means but enough to give you a view of the possibilities.

First up: The Forces of Sauron

Above are few pictures of Uruk-Hai pikemen and an Isengard Troll and and a Mordor Troll charging into the fray against a combined force of men, both rohan and Gondor, and Elves.

As you can see there are is one formation of three companies of pike, a formation of Uruk Hai warband with two companies, a formation of warg riders and a formation of moria orcs with two trolls. I don't have my epic heroes ready for the forces of evil, but will have Sauraman completed soon and I am going to get Lurtz, as well as the witchking.

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